Tuesday, 16 September 2014

An update on the process for developing the PMNCH post-2015 Strategic Framework.

The Partnership for Mother, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH) joins reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health communities into an alliance of more than 500 members, across seven constituencies: academic, research and teaching institutions; donors and foundations; health-care professionals; multilateral agencies; non-governmental organisations; partner countries; and the private sector. Working together our goal is a world in which all women, newborns, children and adolescents not only are healthy, but thrive.

At its July 2014 meeting in Johannesburg, the PMNCH Board mandated the Secretariat to begin a process that would result in the development of a PMNCH Post-2015 Strategic Framework.

This new PMNCH strategic framework will build on its ongoing work, as set out in the existing PMNCH 2012 to 2015 Strategic Framework. The decision to develop the next framework is also in line with the views of the majority of members, as reflected in the recommendations from the independent external evaluation of PMNCH, which was recently completed and which will be published shortly.

The Executive Committee agreed that the process for developing the PMNCH post-2015 Strategic Framework would broadly be as follows:

  • September/ October, 2014: Procuring external consultants to facilitate the strategic framework development process (in progress), and agreeing a set of issues and questions that would underpin the stakeholder discussions and consultations on the framework development process.
  • October/ November, 2014: Ongoing consultations, development of scenarios, and preparations for Board retreat.
  • December, 2014: Board retreat to discuss the emerging conclusions and directions for the strategic framework development.
  • January to April, 2015: Implementation of Board retreat conclusions, further consultations, and finalisation of the PMNCH Post-2015 Strategic Framework.

To read more about PMNCH, please click here.