Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Risk and Power in Maternal Health

An evening seminar providing alternative perspectives to maternal health, addressing why the cross-cultural application of biomedical models continue to fail some women. Speakers will offer a practical and theoretical perspective to medicalisation, consent and coercion, risk perception and the relationship between reproduction and female social status. 

Fri 27th February, 4:30 - 7:00 
UCL Archaeology Lecture Theatre 
Anthropology Department
14 Taviton Street

Dr Sahra Gibbon, event chair - An introduction to a theoretical framework of risk and power. 
Dr Susie Kilshaw - Pregnancy loss and social positioning amongst Qatari women.
Catarina Morais - Power relations in childbirth arena: From birth attendant, “choco”, “corcas” and “aparatar” to obstetrician, uterine contractions and childbirth.
Dr Maya Unnithan and Rebecca Ashely - Reflections on women's rights and choices in midwifery and the navigation of risk protocols - from a theoretical and practical perspective.
Mars Lord - Informed consent vs informed coercion.

For more information and to reserve your place: http://www.kweekweek.com/events/12413