Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns (PAIMAN)

Pakistan's maternal and newborn mortality rates are some of the highest in the subcontinent. Every 20 minutes, a Pakistani woman dies due to complications of pregnancy. More than 60% of newborn deaths occur within the first week of life. The majority of these maternal and newborn deaths occur at home. 

The Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns (PAIMAN) was a six-year project that raised awareness about health care for mothers and newborns. 

PAIMAN worked in 24 districts across all four provinces, which has reached more than 5.7 million beneficiaries - women, their families, and the health care providers who serve them.

PAIMAN created a film as well as a TV series, which has reached more than 8 million women of reproductive age.