Thursday, 8 January 2015

Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference 18-21 October 2015

As countries around the world prepare for a new set of ambitious targets to end preventable deaths, the maternal and newborn health communities have an ideal opportunity to consider successes and challenges, share lessons learned and technical updates, and set priorities for the way forward.
The technical conference will focus on discussing programs, policies, research, and advocacy to support achieving effective and sustainable coverage of maternal and newborn interventions at scale in countries and regions of highest need, and will continue to galvanize momentum and commitment to mothers and newborns on the global agenda. Mexico will provide a wonderful venue, as many lessons can be learned from its recognized leadership in maternal and newborn health in Latin America and worldwide, particularly in addressing issues of equity within and across population groups.
Visit the official conference website for additional information. The conference is sponsored by the Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF) at the Harvard School of Public Health, USAID’s flagship Maternal Child Survival Program (MCSP), and Save the Children’s Saving Newborn Lives program (SNL), in coordination and collaboration with a number of global and regional partners.